Can I book bundled travel?

Bundled travel used to be restricted, but it is now allowed as long as it's refundable. However, please note that we discourage bundled travel because often it is totally non-refundable (against policy) or non-changeable. We instead encourage travelers to book with TravelUVA. However, sometimes there are significant savings when booking through a travel package with bulk air, so if this is the case, we allow it now as long as it's refundable.

To request reimbursement for bundled travel, please select the appropriate expense items in Workday expenses and estimate the amount spent on each component- i.e. air, hotel, etc. To expense a T&E card transaction for bundled travel, select the expense item Split Transaction and then estimate the amount spent on each component - i.e. air, hotel, etc. under the Itemization section.